Monday, October 15, 2012

Days 3, 4, & 5 On the move...

Days 3, 4, and 5

Weekend retreat!

I am writing this on Monday morning after just having arrived home from a fantastic, thought-provoking, fun-filled retreat in the beautiful mountains of Colorado with one of our dearest friends from the Pacific Northwest speaking to the group of Young Adults with minister with at our church. Talk about spirit-led and relevant. We are so blessed to have such amazing friends and such an intellectual group of people to minister with who love to be challenged and foster great discussion! (Along with lots of laughs :))

I was a bit worried going into the weekend, as I wouldn't have a lot of control of the foods that were served, eating on the road, and taking company out to our favorite breakfast spot in Denver. However, I was actually pleasantly surprised by my self-control, as each time I would get a plate or have to make an order I would remember my intention, "Would I let Wilson eat this?"

So, in a nutshell, Friday looked like this:

Coffee (salted caramel mocha with less syrup from Starbucks while we waited for our breakfast spot)
1 small bite of each of the 4 pancakes ordered for our table
2 (out of 3 that came on the plate) small breakfast tacos

This was quite an accomplishment for me, as my husband and I usually go to this place and order a "Flight" of pancakes to share (which are 3 full size, extremely rich pancakes) AND I usually eat all 3 of the breakfast tacos on my plate.

Dinner (on the road to Breckenridge)
We stopped at Burger King as a group
For the first time in my adult life, I ordered a kid's meal for myself, complete with the crown ;0) 
1 plain hamburger with just pickles, mustard, and ketchup
apple slices instead of fries
non-fat milk to drink

I was completely surprised at how satisfied I was after that meal and how much I actually enjoyed it while everyone around me were eating adult sized meals complete with fries and soda. It felt good!

Snack at the retreat house
1 small bite of a rice krispy treat

And that's it for the day! I was shocked that I was able to make it through without less temptation, especially with all the candies and cookies and chips that were on the retreat snack table!

small serving of breakfast casserole
1 banana
half cinnamon bagel

variety of antipasto meats (Wilson loves little pepperonis and such, so I thought this counted)
small pretzel roll with ham n cheese
handful of Doritos
1 oatmeal raisin cookie 
Okay, so I may have eaten a bit more than what I was hoping here, however, I think I justified it in my mind by what I what have let Wilson sample from each of the options at the buffet we had out at the retreat house. Not all great choices, but not at all the overindulgence I would normally "treat" myself to during a weekend away.

We went into town to Miss Sue's (our hostess) favorite pizza place to treat her. We had the option of 6 different pizzas to chose from and a variety of yummy appetizers, but I had to remember, what would I let Wilson chose?

1 cheese stick

1 taste sweet potato fries with cheese
1 slice pepperoni pizza
1 slice mexican pizza

And, that was it for the day. I satisfied my sweet tooth back at the house later that night with hot tea. I felt pretty good about the day with all the temptations that surrounded me.

small serving of oatmeal casserole
1 banana
fresh strawberries

pretty much the same as yesterday

Okay, here's the toughest temptation yet from the weekend. Our friend doesn't have our favorite wing place out west where he lives, so before he left he wanted to have wings there. Wings are one of my weaknesses. I love spicy foods and sauces and love all the things that go with them. So, since Wilson went with us, I ordered what we ordered for him partially, but then overindulged just a tad. However, the difference this time was that I stopped when I was full, a concept I have never taken with me into any wing establishment until now.
Appetizer: fried pickle chips
Meal: Chicken tenders and shrimp with wing sauce. The meal came with 3 tenders, I only ate 2, but I did have a beer. I forgot to mention that along with coffee, tea, and strong cheeses, my son does not get cocktails here and there in moderation either, but momma sometimes enjoys a glass, so be it our night out with friends...

Overall, I think I feel rather accomplished because at least my challenge was at the forefront of my mind during each meal and I made selections that were different than I normally would on a weekend away when almost all cautions are thrown to the wind and each Monday after usually becomes a "reset" day when it comes to diet and exercise. However, this felt different. I did not come home feeling overly full or guilty, and that, my friends, is exactly what eating whatever you want in moderation feels like, and I like it. :)

See ya later today, as we still have company in town and finish out this long weekend of "on the go choices" this evening.

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