Monday, October 15, 2012

Day Two: Sidewalk Talks

Day Two: 

This is where it gets real. I have been struggling with a lot of depression and anxiety issues ever since a car accident a little less than a month ago. It's a much longer story than just the car accident and I'll stop there for now, as I know that bits and pieces will come out the more I write in the days to come.

The good news? This morning felt different. I think deciding to challenge myself these next 30 days (now 29 days) has given me a sense of control and empowered me somehow. I was able to get out of bed before my son this morning, make myself a cup of coffee (you know, the growth-stunting beverage outside of the scope of his eating plan ;0)) and have a few minutes of "me time" to start my day. It's amazing what getting ready will do for the spirit! This was the first morning since my son started his Thursday school program that I wasn't the mom in a baseball cap, unshowered, hiding from the rest of the mom's as I walked by. Yes, that's right, I got dressed, put on make-up, and did my hair this morning and walked him to school with my head held high instead of looking at my feet..The view straight ahead was inspiring!

I was blessed to have a "sidewalk talk" after dropping the little guy off this morning with one of my dearest friends who was dropping her girls off as well. We have been through a lot together over the years, and the ability to be able to walk up and talk to her out of the blue about very real things is invaluable. So many of us walk around never getting real with each other, and we are truly missing out. What a blessing real friendship is!

My son was not super hungry when he woke up this morning, so we started the day with

Coffee (momma only) (2pts)
Toddler size bowl of cheerios (3pts)
Skim Milk (drunk from the bowl after the cereal was gone, of course) (1pt)

10:30AM Off to Target, my first real challenge. I must remember to shop for myself and my family as if my son were the only one eating today...

1PM: Okay, so Target went splendidly!! I wasn't even tempted to buy foods off my list! Wohoo! I did treat myself to a Pumpkin Spice Latte (nonfat, no whip with fewer pumps of syrup) though, but that's coffee, so that's okay, right? :) (4pts)

Lunchable. I figure since that's what the little guy ate at Thursday school today then that's what I would have too! (8pts)

The little guy had Annie's graham bunnies, but I had a spurt of energy and was a cleaning and organizing machine today, no snack necessary! :)

Homemade minestrone type soup with kale (5pts) (Yes, my son ate a whole bowl of this hearty, healthy goodness!!)
Crescent roll (3pts)

That wrapped up our day. The next challenge is the weekend that starts tomorrow with company in town for our young adult retreat. Stay tuned...challenge on the go...

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